High Gear Pe318 Pedometer (Steps, Distance and Calories) High Accuracy Pedometers
High Gear Pe318 Pedometer (Steps, Distance and Calories) High Accuracy PedometersHeart Rate Monitors318 is a product to be taken into possession. Because there is very useful in applications. And it's a reasonable price. Not too expensive. High Gear Pe318 Pedometer (Steps, Distance and Calories) High Accuracy PedometersHeart Rate Monitors318 can be purchased from the Internet. After High Gear Pe318 Pedometer (Steps, Distance and Calories) High Accuracy PedometersHeart Rate Monitors318 was purchased. Products are delivered quickly. It makes our family very happy after work. It is very easy to use. The installation is easy because High Gear Pe318 Pedometer (Steps, Distance and Calories) High Accuracy PedometersHeart Rate Monitors318 is easy to read and understand the information they love High Gear Pe318 Pedometer (Steps, Distance and Calories) High Accuracy PedometersHeart Rate Monitors318 so much. We have recommended that we buy it all. If you are looking for a similar product that I recommend. Because the price is not too expensive. One. High Gear Pe318 Pedometer (Steps, Distance and Calories) High Accuracy PedometersHeart Rate Monitors318 has a price. And limited.High Gear Pe318 Pedometer (Steps, Distance and Calories) High Accuracy PedometersHeart Rate Monitors318
High Gear Pe318 Pedometer (Steps, Distance and Calories) High Accuracy Pedometers Overview
High Gear PE318 Activity PedometerMotion sensitivity switch - increases or decreases unit sensitivity.Step counter 0 to 99,999 stepsDistance traveled 0 to 999.99 miles (0 to 999.99 km)Stride distance 11-60 inches (30 to 150 cm)Calorie display 0.1 to 9999.9 kcalBody weight range 65 lbs. to 340 lbs. (30 to 150 kg)Battery type: LR43 1.5V
High Gear Pe318 Pedometer (Steps, Distance and Calories) High Accuracy Pedometers Feature
- Steps 0 - 99,999 (High Accuracy)
- Durable Belt Clip, Motion Sensitivity Adjustment Sensor
- Calories Burned with Weight Input
- Distance (Miles) - Stride Input
- Time of Day - Clock Features